Thursday, April 2, 2009


snow swept the city with white coolness

warm and soft by night

it played fairy-like with us

and danced in our heads

that evening the streets were slush

and the buildings grew up on either side

someone had planted stark trees in the sidewalk

everything itself alone

silent omniscience

i wonder how birds survive

the winter there

without boots and umbrellas

(i must think

get everything straight

and in proper order)

on one side of town

the only signs of human life

were a boy and girl

crossing the street

and their dog who looked cold

sitting on the frozen cement

didn't seem to notice

their smiles and laughter

while on the other side of town

life was never quiet

i have watched the people

walk the night

in the early hours

when most were asleep

they came in bright colours

or baggy clothes to feed on the darkness

(i must think

get everything straight

in proper order)

blood gushes from a soldier

and drips from his wound

if it's peace and freedom

it's getting soaked up in the soil

i wonder what a dying man thinks about

rain maybe-

i think if i were a dying man

i would think about rain

but then, i'm not a dying man

and all i have to think about

is getting everything straight

and in proper order

Washington D.C. 1967

© Wendy Gwen Martin 2009

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