Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Room 7 Blossom

She was aimlessly wondering around her bedroom. Not looking for anything, just moving around. The caregiver opening the bedroom door, made eye contact with her and smiling, said 'hello'.

'Oh, hello,' Blossom said. 'I thought I was alone. Is there anyone else here. I mean, here, anywhere?'

'Why, yes, everyone is listening to music. Would you like to listen to some music? Everyone is in the main hall. Would you like to be with them?'

'Why yes I would,' Blossom said. There were tears in her eyes and she looked frightened. 'I thought that I might be the only one....here.'

'Lets go to the bathroom,' the caregiver took Blossom to the bathroom, slipped her depends and polyester slacks down, Blossom sat down on the toilet. She was 'dirty' and her blouse was wet and needed changing. The kind person that cared for her changed these wet and dirty clothes and put her in a warm clean outfit. When she was ready to go, they walked, arm in arm down several halls to the place where most of the other residences were congregated. The feeling of aloneness was gone and being with others gave a sense of humanity.

'Would you like to sit here Blossom?' 'Would you like punch and a cookie?'

©2009 Wendy Martin

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